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Your living expenses may increase or decrease at retirement but will likely not stay the same. 你可以多旅行, reduce business expenses such as eating out and transportation costs, perhaps your house will be paid off.
Your retirement income can vary widely depending on what type of account holds your savings and what assumptions you make about return and tax rates during the accumulation and withdrawal periods.
Retirement can be the saddest or happiest day of your life. This pre-retirement calculator will help you determine how well you have prepared and what you can do to improve your retirement outlook. It is important that you re-evaluate your preparedness on an ongoing basis.
One method of retirement planning is to project what you are currently saving and have accumulated to date and see if you will have enough to meet your retirement objectives.
Depending upon your current earnings, Social Security can be a significant part of your retirement income. However, many factors will impact the benefit you may receive. Use this calculator to approximate your Social Security benefit.
It may surprise you how the much inflation can erode purchasing power.
Due to increasing life expectancies, many are running into the problem of outlasting their savings. Use this calculator to help determine when your retirement savings account may be depleted given a specified monthly income target.
A penny saved is a penny earned, but a penny saved today is a penny potentially earning more.
It may surprise you how much you can accumulate for retirement simply by foregoing a few luxuries such as a one-time purchase of a boat or cabin, or trimming back recurring monthly expenses such as eating out, 电影, 杂志订阅, 有线电视节目, 视频租赁, 自动售货机, 等.
It may surprise you how significant your retirement accumulation may become simply by saving a small percentage of your salary each month in your 401(k) plan.
Select which services you are interested in:
We take care of your books for you, so you can get back to the job of running your business and generating profits.
We offer payroll solutions that meet your business's needs and enable you to spend time doing what you do best--running your company.
We offer a variety of services to help make sure that you are taking full advantage of Quickbooks' many features.
We're here to help you resolve your tax problems and put an end to the misery that the IRS can put you through.
We offer one-on-one guidance and a comprehensive financial plan that helps manage risk, 提高性能, and ensure the growth and longevity of your wealth.


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